Contact: +36206147833 Special offers for dance schools, dance companies: +36205495581

Information for already registered users


Dear registered user!

Our Idancestore online shop has been renewed!


Your existing user account has been transferred.

For data privacy reasons, as well as to ensure the security of your account,

your password has been reset.

How can I setup a new password?

1. click on the icon in the upper right corner on the figure to log in:

bejelentkezés ikon

2. click on " I forgot Password"

We kindly ask you to 

check your account details! 

We do not take responsibility for damages occuring due to incorrect data.

Advantages of the new online shop:

- mobile-optimized, user-friendly interface

- improved functionality, easier search, order and payment process

- aesthetic, modern design.


We are looking forward to your visit!



